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Sustainability, innovation and CSR

Companies and organizations need to combine profit and profitability with other important drivers such as environmental protection, respect for business ethics, development of intellectual capital.
Sustainability represents an opportunity to stand out from competitors and to strengthen the engagement with stakeholders such as institutions, employees and community.

Why is sustainability worthwhile?

freccia verde sosteniblità

It improves risk management and reputation

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It facilitates stakeholders engagement, improving relations with employees, institutions, clients

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Positive Impacts

It allows effective interaction with community, through the enhancement of the positive impacts generated

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The process of listening and involving stakeholders let a company achieves a better understanding of community, market and opportunities

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It promotes innovation processes

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Economic Advantages

It offers concrete economic advantages such as cost reduction and the possibility of accessing incentives and rewards

Reporting tools

A reporting process represents a useful tool for approaching sustainability, both in terms of internal planning and transparency towards external interested parties.
Thanks to a consolidated professional network, we can offer a combination of skills to create reporting tools for our clients according to the most recent international standards:
• Sustainability report
• Social report
• Impact balance
• Integrated report

reporting tools

Digital Platforms


  • to optimize data collection and analysis
  • to expand monitoring of strategic data, even if not for reporting purposes
  • to vary the collection and monitoring of data according to changes in perimeter, KPIs and reference standards
  • to provide data summaries and information for external communication


  • facilitate the active involvement of stakeholders
  • facilitate the collection and development of innovative ideas on strategic issues for companies
  • facilitate collaborations, projects development and enable open and social innovation

CSR Projects and Initiatives

The engagement process facilitates the creation of social responsibility programs aimed at generating shared value for organizations and their stakeholders.

  • SPONSORSHIP (sponsorships and support to local communities based on their tangible needs)
  • EDUCATIONAL (educational projects for schools)
  • UNIVERSITIES (COLLABORATIONS with the academic world for scholarships, research doctorates and ad hoc courses on sustainability issues)
  • WELFARE (corporate welfare activities to better manage employees’ wellbeing and satisfaction)