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Reporting tools

Healthcare facilities have high added value: for staff, for patients, for the NHS, for local companies and for the community in general. Measuring the impact of their activities means opening the door to transparency, to a better stakeholders’ relation – including financial ones – and to better overall management of the structure itself.

The Agency, in collaboration with leading scientific partners, followed the development of the process in all its parts:

  • definition of the reporting areas
  • identification of relevant issues, indicators and structuring of the reporting process
  • data collection and processing
  • texts and finalization of the document
  • editing and dissemination of the document

This was the first Integrated Report of a Children’s hospital and care Institute. The document highlighted present and future ability to create value in a complete, clear, concise and comparable way.
The first edition of the Integrated Report also allowed the launch of an experimental process of mapping and measuring inside and the outside impact of the Institute and to calculate the Social ROI of its activities.