+39010566334 | Lun-Ven 9:00 - 18:00
Chiappe Revello e Associati versione italiana Chiappe Revello e Associati Chiappe Revello e Associati Chiappe Revello e Associati Chiappe Revello e Associati

ENGAGEMENT 4C and multistakeholder forum

For over twenty years we have been managing corporate communication, community relations and social responsibility projects and sustainability reporting for one of the main Italian oil terminal operators.

Around the terminal and at short distance from the houses there are private deposits for the storage of crude oil and petroleum and petrochemical products, which, inserted in a complex context, have created tensions with the local community.

Communication strategies are based on diversified programs of social responsibility that contributed to improving community relations and in general stakeholders’ dialogue and engagement.

Furthermore, for the last Sustainability Report, we developed an engagement plan for all corporate stakeholders, based on meetings and tables aimed at collecting and define issues for the report. These were also occasions for open discussions with local stakeholders.

The well-defined and transversal approach with all corporate stakeholders, internal and external, allows to compile a proper Sustainability Report and establish a direct relation with the local community, facilitating dialogue and debate.